It’s not even been two weeks and already I can feel myself slipping into bad habits again! I had such great plans and New Year’s Resolutions but alas, we’re only at the 12th January and I already find myself back with the not-so-healthy eating.
So I was pleased to learn that – as part of the after school program being run this year by the Boys and Girls Club – sports, fitness and social development are going to be forming a core focal point. Now, that might not help me get in shape but if I see my boys doing it then I might be inspired as well. Plus, if they stay at this program to do homework, I’ll have extra time for myself. And thus I’ll have no excuse not to workout.
In other not-so-good news for seniors, the Loder Senior Center is in danger of closing down due to budget cuts. This is a place where seniors go to get out of the house and to combat loneliness (which often results in depression). It’s a place where they get their flu shots as well. So if it closes due to financial issues, greater fiscal problems could be the result as more medical attention will be needed when seniors don’t get their assistance from there.